Journey to Adulthood (J2A)

Also known within the Church as “J2A”, Journey to Adulthood follows Rite 13 and is a program for older adolescents who have already been confirmed but are still in the process of Christian Formation (a life-long process). This program is led by the Rector and a Lay Staff who meet weekly with the teens.

The goals which began in Rite 13 are continued with more intensity. In addition, there is more stress placed on Christian mission and action. Youngsters are given confidence and guidance so that they may reach out to others in mission projects and participate in Diocesan programs. They are also encouraged to attend Happening Weekends and Seeking Servant programs, both organized by our Diocese.

Youngsters in the J2A program are active in fundraising in order to make a pilgrimage as a concluding activity together. The trip is planned to be made in the spring of the last year they are in J2A. This is a spiritual and an educational event and is designed especially for the group participating.